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Businesses Enter Busy W-2 Season With Solutions and Savings

Though nearly 2.6 million Americans lost their jobs this past year, the busy season for businesses to file W-2 forms is still underway.  The end of the year is not only the busiest time for business and it is the least desired time to tie up time and resources creating employee W-2s.  The dreaded W-2 season means paper trails, stressed out employees and mistake-laden processes.  But many businesses are finding a solution.
National Payment Corporation (NatPay) is one of the nation’s largest independent direct deposit providers.  The company provides payroll distribution solutions to businesses across the nation in every industry and in every state.  This company’s product, Doculivery, eliminates or reduces the printing and distribution of paper-based W-2s and offers secure electronic W-2s and a simple consent process for electronic W-2s.
“Many of our customers are no longer even experiencing the W-2 season,” says Steven Pereira, NatPay’s Executive Vice President and General Manager. “With Doculivery, the seasonal headaches and expenses of creating W-2s are eliminated.  Call centers do not need temporary staffing and printing and distribution costs decline dramatically,” Pereira says.
“Companies no longer spend money on paper and printing and ink, readily improving the bottom line.”  Pereira explains.  “Doculivery gives employees direct access via self-service over the Internet.   These same employees are able to obtain their own W-2 reprints online and at no additional cost, which further reduces the time and efforts of the business staff.   Employees can reorder reprints of W-2s from anywhere and at any time.  Many companies can charge from $5.00 up to 20.00 a reprint.  Companies are going green while simplifying life, the NatPay way.”
National Payment Corporation is bonded through two major insurance carriers and uses a third-party accounting firm to perform an annual audit of its records.   Processing over $7-billion of customer funds each year, National Payment Corporation maintains an accuracy record of 100%.

© 2009 National Payment Corporation.  All product names are trademarks.

Centro, Inc Doculivery Case Study

centro inc logo

Centro, Inc. is a manufacturer of custom rotationally molded plastic parts. Established in 1970, Centro, Inc. has grown to become the largest custom rotational molder in North America. Through innovation and superior customer service, Centro has stayed at the leading edge of the rotational molding industry. Centro’s Quality Management System is registered to ISO 9001:2000 with Corporate Headquarters (Iowa), North Carolina, and Wisconsin locations. With a wide range of capabilities, state-of-the-art equipment, and manufacturing facilities in multiple locations, Centro is poised to be a single source provider for any company’s rotational molding needs.

Centro, Inc. employs approximately 600 employees over multiple states and selected NatPay’s Doculivery solution to address a primary business need for online pay stubs for their direct deposit payroll. To combat rising postage costs and looking to reduce production and administrative AP costs, Doculivery seemed to be a perfect fit for Centro, Inc. Several factors were key in selecting an online pay statement provider – security, ease of use, and cost. Doculivery provides the company’s employees with 24/7 safe and secure access to their pay statements online, which reduces administrative costs considerably as well as establishing a valuable employee self serve benefit.

Integration support was an important factor for Centro and NatPay rose to the occasion with an integration that was seamless with their current payroll processes. The paperless transition required little to no involvement on behalf of Centro, Inc.’s part, allowing the company to experience the paperless payroll in weeks, not months as with other online document management solutions.

Security is mission critical with NatPay and understands that Centro, Inc. values security as a key factor for outsourcing online payroll solutions. NatPay uses state of the art SSL encryption, GEOTrust certificates and a proprietary 3 tier firewall to protect client data. Functionality was also very important in selecting an online pay stub solution.

Centro, Inc. estimates a $30K annual savings net of implementation and fees since utilizing the Doculivery solution. “Overall, we are very happy with the system, ease of use and response from help desk,” remarked Sarah Cotty, Director of Finance for Centro, Inc.

Doculivery provides safe and secure 24/7 access to online pay statements which creates a valuable online employee self service and employees love having convenient access to pay stubs or W2 information in one location.

“Many companies like Centro, Inc. are finding the Doculivery platform ideal for reducing G&A costs and streamlining operations and NatPay is glad to provide complete online document solutions that create immediate ROI,” said Jim Hagen, VP of Sales at NatPay. “We are excited to help companies across the nation and in every industry explore paperless options – from online pay stubs to online statements and invoices with click to pay – and realize savings and streamlined operations.”

Click here to read Centro’s case study in NatPay’s case studies section.


NatPay To Offer Greener Office Solutions at 30th Annual United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Convention

Tampa, FL (September 10, 2009) – The national representative for nearly 3 million Hispanic-owned businesses, the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), voiced its views recently on energy reform proposals. These positions were contained in an issue brief titled “Green Builds Business: The Hispanic Business Perspective”  David C. Lizárraga, USHCC Chairman of the Board, said, “The transition to an energy-efficient economy will open new markets for small businesses and stimulate the economy.”

In light of this, National Payment Corporation (NatPay), headquartered in Tampa, Florida is participating in the 30th annual USHCC National Convention and Business Expo. “Nearly 30% of our staff is Hispanic, and our growth is in large part due to their dedication and strong work ethic,” says Jim Hagen, Vice President of Sales at NatPay.
“It is an honor to further build our business relationships with this dynamic and growing segment of today’s work force. Our paperless products are also aligned with the values of the USHCC.”

NatPay has grown by showing Hispanic companies how to go green by utilizing paperless on-line solutions in their Human Resources, Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Accounts Receivable departments. The company is fully compliant for tax forms in every State.  The buying power of the growing Hispanic population in the United States is attracting the attention of many businesses. Many companies have graduated from producing commercials in Spanish to designing products and advertising campaigns specifically to appeal to the Hispanic market.

“National Payment Corporation has shaped its reputation on building relationships with the Hispanic market,” says Kimberly Miles with The Payroll Company. “I am excited to be working side-by-side with this very respected and creditable company. By empowering automated processes with our employees needs, we’ve made going green all the more easy and enticing.”

National Payment Corporation will be located in booth number 731 and is participating as a Bronze Level Sponsor during the USHCC 30th Annual National Convention and Business Expo. For more convention information visit:

About the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Founded in 1979, the USHCC actively promotes the economic growth and development of Hispanic entrepreneurs, and represents the interests of almost 3 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the United States that generate nearly $400 billion annually. It also serves as the umbrella organization for 200 local Hispanic chambers in the United States, Puerto Rico,
Canada, Mexico, Bolivia, and Uruguay.

About National Payment

National Payment Corporation is one of the nation’s largest independent direct deposit providers. National Payment provides payroll and other paperless distribution solutions to thousands of customers across the nation, in every industry, and in every state.

National Payment Corporation is bonded through two major insurance carriers and uses a third-party accounting firm to perform an annual audit of its records. Although National Payment Corporation processes over $7 billion dollars of customer funds each year, it maintains an accuracy record of 100%. National Payment Corporation prides itself on the fact that it has never lost a cent of its customers’ money.

(c) 2009 National Payment Corporation. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

Mark R. Williams, Marketing Director
National Payment Corporation (NatPay)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 813-222-0333 x155
Fax: 813-221-8651

Doculivery Testimonial from Choate Construction Company

“I wanted to touch base with you to tell you how wonderful our new Doculivery system is working. I have heard nothing but positive feedback from the employees that have logged in to the site.”

Kristi Hammerli
Office Manager
Choate Construction Company

Click here to read more testimonials.

Coupons or Notifications: Businesses Benefit by Going Paperless

There are now 36 million people using Internet coupons, or nearly quadruple the number from three years ago, according to a recent study released by Simmons/Experian Research and Coupons Inc.
While companies are starting to send text-message coupons that arrive on cell phones, businesses are addressing the challenge of going paperless with such systems as NatPay’s Doculivery.

“Businesses are seeing the benefits of decreasing paperwork,” says Jim Hagen, Vice President of Sales at NatPay.  “And our customers are already seeing the value and security of going paperless.”

Doculivery consolidates data into a unique web-based tool accessible from any Internet-ready location. Secure online pay stubs, W-2 and 1099 forms, invoices and customer statements are created and delivered in less time and at far less expense than traditional paper models Hagen says.

“These savings extend far beyond the value of eliminated storage cabinets and paper.  Going paperless is a valuable business tactic that eliminates the cumbersome paper world and provides a less expensive, more secure way of doing business.”

Additional Doculivery features include online payment, automated forms, and targeted search and reporting tools.  “These features are in demand by businesses which are trying to modernize and streamline.” Hagen explained.

“Our customers also use Doculivery to save with payroll expenses.  This system adheres to all federal tax filing requirements and state payroll laws.  Our Doculivery product is customizable and is a privacy safeguard.  Businesses have immediate, convenient access to previous years’ tax and payroll documents. This function enables users to quickly and easily produce documents required for audit, regulatory and legal purposes,” Hagen says.

Doculivery consolidates data from existing legacy systems.  XML programming and NET Framework.  The system allows for revisions and upgrades, advanced customization features, and customer-centric enhancements unmatched by older, less dynamic programming models.

So whether coupons or your latest payroll information is sent to your cell phone, consumers and business alike are finding the concept of going paperless minimizes exposure, saves money and prevents data loss.

Government and Business Find Value in Going Paperless

As part of his commitment to cut spending and reform government, President Obama is asking his cabinet to cut a collective 100 million dollars in the next 90 days. One measure of this cost cutting is the directive to go paperless. In response, the U.S. Attorneys and the U.S. Marshals Offices’ Asset Forfeiture program are converting publication of judicial forfeiture notices from newspapers to the Internet. This paperless initiative is expected to save $6.7 million over the first 5 years.

NATPAY‘s Doculivery system offers some of these same benefits to business. “Our clients are already seeing the benefits of going paperless.” says Jim Hagen, Vice President of Sales at NatPay.“ Our Doculivery product consolidates data into a unique web-based tool accessible from any Internet-ready location.”

Secure online pay stubs, W-2 and 1099 forms, invoices and customer statements are created and delivered in less time and at far less expense than traditional paper models Hagen says. “The savings extend far beyond the value of eliminated file cabinets and paper. Going paperless is a valuable business strategy in these economic times and it is a less expensive, more secure way of doing business.” Hagen explained.

Additional Doculivery features, include online payment, automated fillable forms, and targeted search and reporting tools. “These are in demand by businesses which are trying to modernize and streamline.” Hagen said.

“The Doculivery system adheres to all federal tax filing requirements and state payroll laws,” Hagen explained. “Our system is customizable and is designed to safeguard privacy. Businesses have immediate, convenient access to previous years’ tax and payroll documents. Users can quickly and easily produce documents required for audit, regulatory and legal purposes.” Hagen said. “Doculivery has become a must-have for many organizations.”

Both the government and businesses are finding greater security in encryption certificates and firewall protection. Both are also are finding that going paperless actually minimizes exposure, prevents critical file loss – the savings can be tremendous. The Department of State’s National Visa Center (NVC) will implement electronic correspondence for immigrant visa processing. The NVC anticipates the cost savings in the first year of implementation of this paperless process to be approximately $1 million. If necessity is the mother of invention, both government and business alike are finding the benefits in going paperless.

What Can Business Learn from Teenagers?

American teenagers sent and received an average of 2,272 text messages per month in the fourth quarter of 2008. This averages nearly 80 messages a day and more than double the amount of a year earlier says a Nielsen Company rating.

“Businesses today are taking a paperless page out of the playbook teenagers use –find a simplified way of communicating,” comments Mark Williams, Marketing Director for National Payment Corporation’s EZStub. EZStub allows workers to review their pay through the receipt of text messages.

“Businesses today are finding ways to communicate with employees via texting rather than written paper processes. And businesses are quickly learning they can save money using an electronic pay stub solution. Companies can communicate more quickly while saving money by reducing paper and written records.”


EZStub’s added features include security, employer options and employee delivery options. “Security is the most important issues in business today and EZStub allows for specific user names and password options, ” according to Williams. “Payroll administrators also save time and effort because employees are able to obtain current and past pay stub information on their own with EZStub’s online self-serve features.”

Not only is this service readily accessible for the already texting teen market, the older generation benefits by the convenience and security. Companies are finding electronic pay stubs solutions like EZStub have eliminated written reports and reduced the cost of printing and delivering paper pay stubs.

With the growing and unlimited texting plans offered by carriers like AT&T Mobility and Verizon Wireless, American businesses will be turning more and more to a paperless solution for informing their employees of just how much they’ve earned.

It’s Time for Busting Out of the Old Paper Chase

With many fiscal years changing over and the calendar year nearly half over, businesses are using the month to sweep out the old and change to the new.

Many businesses are taking a “paperless” page from President Barack Obama’s efforts to shift to electronic records. In the medical field alone, Obama states that a change to electronic medical records could help save families up to $2,500 a year in his first term.

If businesses implemented such a change, they too could save money. One system that does this is NatPay’s Doculivery online document service. This innovative, high-tech, high-touch alternative incorporates a unique set of adaptable modular components that are customized to meet the needs of any organization.

Organizations of all types are realizing that manual and paper-based processes for managing documents are inefficient and expensive. Embracing the “paperless office” concept is possible with today’s electronic document management systems.

“Businesses are seeing the benefits of decreasing paper work.” says Jim Hagen, Vice President at National Payment.

“Doculivery consolidates data into a unique web-based tool accessible from any Internet-ready location. Secure online pay stubs, W-2 and 1099 forms, invoices and customer statements are created and delivered in less time and at far less expense than traditional paper models,” says Hagen. “Additional features, including online payment, automated fillable forms, and targeted search and reporting tools are in demand by businesses that are trying to modernize and streamline.”

Other benefits companies are finding in going paperless include:
•Eliminating constant trips to the filing cabinet for documents that can be accessed with a click.
•Protecting documents from natural disasters such as fire, flood, earthquake, etc.
•Reclaiming office space by reducing or eliminating the need for file cabinets.
•Improving customer service by being able to respond to requests from customers faster and more efficiently.

Hagen continued, “For the most part the savings extend far beyond the value of eliminated storage cabinets and paper. Going paperless is a valuable business strategy that reduces a cumbersome world and provides a less expensive, yet more secure way of doing business.”

For more information on ECM solutions, visit:

Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix Doculivery Case Study

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix (BGCMP) provides services to more than 32,250 boys and girls annually, operating a total of 12 clubhouses throughout the central and west area Valley, a full-service dental clinic, and outreach services.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Phoenix enables all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. The BGCMP’s focus is to provide quality after-school programs, under the supervision of a professional staff that supplement and enhance their learning and nurturing environments. Like every other organization in these trying economic times, BGCMP was looking for ways to cut costs. One focus area to reduce costs was to start with payroll.

“Our main goal when looking for an alternative to issuing paper direct deposit pay stubs to our employees was to save costs,” says Andy Putman, Accounting Manager for BGCMP.

Other factors were key in searching for the ideal solution for their business problem. (i.e. security, file transfer, delivery options, user friendliness, roll out options, appearance of the pay stub, length of implementation, disaster recovery, cost, and financial stability of the vendor providing the service.

“We were concerned with online security, providing a user friendly system for our employees, implementation timeframes, and of course cost,” Putman remarked. “Ease of use was important because the easier a solution is to use, the more likely end users are to accept and support the change. Our current system can be somewhat inflexible at times, so integration support was key,” stated Putman.

One of the reasons why BGCMP chose Doculivery was security. When dealing with employees’ pay information, we wanted a trusted solution and NatPay’s system answered all of our concerns.

Flexibility was also very important because the more efficient and flexible a solution is, the less costly it is. Functionality was key because it leads to easier and greater acceptance by end users. Doculivery provided BGCMP a customized payroll solution quickly and easily with an integration time of only weeks rather than months as with other online document management solutions.

“We estimate that Doculivery will save us over $2,300 each year in postage, paper, envelopes, and staff time in stuffing and mailing envelopes. This savings will increase over time given rising postage costs,” Putman stated.

When asked how the employees adapted to their new online pay statement system, Putman remarked “We have received nothing but positive comments from our staff. The most frequent comment is how easy Doculivery is to use. The staff at NatPay was extremely helpful in setting up Doculivery. We had some glitches because of our software, but NatPay was able to handle them without delay.”

Click here to read this case study in NatPay’s Case studies section.


Doculivery Delivers for the St. Petersburg Times

Doculivery will enable the Times to streamline its payment statements to independent contractors, eliminating a three-day process to print, collate, package and deliver statements. Now, vendors can simply review their statements online.

Tampa, FL (February 25, 2009) – National Payment Corporation is pleased to announce that it has been selected by Times Publishing Co., publisher of the St. Petersburg Times, Florida’s largest newspaper, to use its web-based system that generates and stores electronic vendor statements and invoices.

The system, called Doculivery, will enable the Times to streamline its payment statements to independent contractors, eliminating a three-day process to print, collate, package and deliver statements. Now, vendors can simply review their statements online.

“We are pleased that our partnership has enabled us to streamline our business operations,” said Times CIO Janet H. Woods. “In addition, our vendors have direct access to their account, so there is no delay in getting them complete information.”

In keeping with National Payment’s go-green philosophy, Doculivery is a 100% web-based system that generates and stores electronic statements and invoices. Doculivery’s sophisticated document management system incorporates existing legacy data into a single platform independent of any particular hardware or software. Like all of NatPay’s offerings, Doculivery affords secure, convenient access to data from any Internet terminal or web-enabled wireless device. Doculivery is also fully customizable.

“Doculivery has had a great positive impact on our operations,” explains Rod Custer, Technical Consulting Manager for the Times. “Our newspaper distributors now have complete access and ownership of their own statement history.”

Clients work directly with NatPay’s technical staff to determine what they need Doculivery to do for them. A team of developers and integration specialists creates the Doculivery model that works best for them. Each organization determines who will have access to key functions, and to what extent. NatPay’s offerings are designed with simple-use as the primary goal.

To request a free demonstration, please call 1-800-927-6120 or visit the firm’s website at:
About National Payment Corporation

National Payment Corporation is one of the nation’s largest independent direct deposit providers. National Payment provides payment solutions to thousands of customers across the nation, in every industry, and in every state.

National Payment Corporation is bonded through two major insurance carriers and uses a third-party accounting firm to perform an annual audit of its records. Although National Payment Corporation processes over $7 billion dollars of customer funds each year,
it maintains an accuracy record of 100%. National Payment Corporation prides itself on the fact that it has never lost a cent
of its customers’ money.

(c) 2009 National Payment Corporation (NatPay). All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

Mark R. Williams, Marketing Director
National Payment Corporation
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 813-222-0333 x155
Fax: 813-221-8651

About Times Publishing Company

Times Publishing Co. publishes the St. Petersburg Times, Florida’s largest daily with circulation of 390,289 Sunday and 268,935 daily (ABC publisher’s statement 9/30/08). Celebrating 125 years, the Times is considered one of the top ten newspapers in the country with six Pulitzer prizes. It also is one of the nation’s last and largest independently-owned newspapers. Times Publishing also publishes the free daily tbt* Tampa Bay Times and has an award-winning web site, For more information visit:

Jounice Nealy-Brown, Times Brand Manager
Phone: 727-893-8289, Email: [email protected]